The following positions are up for election. Please let Lauren Walsh or Melisa Kochniarczyk know if you are interested in running for a position. Nominations will be taken until March 16th. 🖤💛💜
Board Members:
VP of League Affairs
VP of Operations
Mark Karkoska
John Wirkus
Director of Fundraising
Director of Technology
Denise Spreeman
Jim Seiwert
Ice Scheduler
Manager of Managers
Advisor to the Board:
John Wirkus
"A candidate for the Board of Directors shall be a current member in good standing with a zero balance, free from financial, Code of Conduct or Rules & Ethics suspensions for the prior three fiscal years and should not be a spouse, immediate family member or domestic partner, representing the same household of any current director or officer of the Board of Directors. A candidate for the Executive Board, in addition, shall have had a Jaguar participant at the Mite A or older NIHL level for two fiscal years. A candidate for President, in addition, shall be a current member of the Board of Directors for at least one fiscal year. Should a candidate not meet the qualifications apply, the Board of Directors may recommend a candidate with a 2/3 majority vote."